ITIC MENA: Regional insights - managing local cases
Soraia Arroyo Lynch, Director of Business Development & Client Accounts, GMMI, Inc., shared a case study that demonstrated the importance of patient management and screening patients prior to travel
Soraia’s presentation focused on the role that GMMI plays in helping insurers fulfil their duty of care to the patient, ensuring that the patient experience and patient safety is of the highest standard. “Patients need to be empowered to understand the treatments they are being offered,” she said. The importance of accreditation of medical providers is also extremely important to payers, allowing them to ensure quality of care and patient safety is guaranteed. Partnerships with medical units around the world allows GMMI to perform virtual consults with clients and treating doctors, so that patients’ interests and payers’ interests are aligned and no compromise is made at any stage of the process.
The specific case presented by Soraia centred on the management of a 56-year-old patient from Kuwait with a complex medical history; her policy authorised her for evaluation and treatment abroad. The case was a perfect example of what seemed to be a straightforward evaluation and treatment plan, which converted into a complex medical case when she was admitted to the ER with a pulmonary emboli; five weeks later, she required amputation of her fourth and fifth toes. She was in the US for a total of four months. GMMI worked closely with the treating physicians to enable care was given appropriately, and in the right language. Support was given to the patient before, during and after her trip.