Brazilian clinics widen reach through Clinerion medical network
Grupo NotreDame Intermédica (GNDI) of Brazil joins Clinerion’s global network of hospital partners on Patient Network Explorer, improving access to medical care for patients through the use of electronic health records
Joining Patient Network Explorer, GNDI patients and their treating physicians gain increased treatment options and quicker access to new medical interventions. Patients are matched to academic and sponsored clinical studies according to their electronic health records, ensuring better screening when recruiting for clinical trials. Trial managers gain the ability to include eligible patients for trials more quickly and efficiently than before. Physicians gain tools to better stratify patient care, including the identification of hard-to-diagnose rare disease patients.
Also part of GNDI is NotreLabs, a national laboratory network with the capability to perform more than 100 operations, distributed across the southern and south-eastern regions of Brazil. NotreLabs also has the capacity to process 4.5 million clinical analyses and 500 thousand imaging exams per month. There are 12 units for imaging exams and 72 collection points for clinical analyses.
Advances in clinical treatment matched to patient needs
Grupo NotreDame Intermédica (GNDI) is the largest healthcare operator in Brazil, with 6.4 million members. GNDI has a wide offer, comprising 29 hospitals, 88 clinical centers, 23 autonomous emergency rooms, 15 preventive medicine centers and 2 health centers exclusively dedicated to the over-fifties.
Carina Carraro Pessoa Messias, Coordinator of the Research Institute of Grupo NotreDame Intermédica, commented: “The GNDI Research Institute was created to better serve beneficiaries and reconcile the research objective with advances in clinical treatments within the Group's own service network. Clinerion's tool, Patient Network Explorer, will help us to filter, among all the group’s electronic medical records, patients with the criteria to participate in each type of survey. It is an advance in the screening process that will result in more consistent evaluations for trial recruitment.”