Cigna looking to Connect with affordable healthcare packages
Global health service company announces Cigna Connect, delivering a new solution for employers whose staff travel abroad
Cigna Europe has launched Cigna Connect, which offers employers a choice of three comprehensive plans for staff travelling abroad for work. These cover a wide range of specific, individual needs, designed to give employees access to the quality healthcare at the right cost.
Using directional care, Cigna Connect features a virtual-first approach, so users are guided by the expert clinical team towards the best and most cost-effective option. The global network Cigna offers includes over 1.5 million providers, clinics and facilities, meaning users are given a personalised healthcare experience because they have the freedom of choice.
This new solution also helps employers looking for an all-round healthcare package, while adjusting to current budgetary pressures, increased medical costs and the cost of living crisis.
Cigna’s research reveals that 65 per cent of globally mobile employees say that access to care is ‘very important’, but only 28 per cent of employers provide sufficient healthcare plans.
Arjan Toor, CEO of Cigna Europe, said: “Everyone in the workforce deserves access to high-quality healthcare and, as priorities and circumstances change, healthcare needs to adapt. Our Global Healthcare Survey showed an increasing need for more affordable propositions; however, we know that one size doesn’t fit all. We’ve introduced a bold new approach to global healthcare with individual needs in mind, developing a suite of products to suit any budget.
“Quality of service remains a priority.”