InsureMyTrip is number one for reviews
Travel insurance comparison site InsureMyTrip’s database of verified consumer reviews hit a major milestone recently, surpassing over 86,600 submissions from verified customers. The database, which launched in 2011, was the first of its kind in the industry, and the site prides itself on providing an extensive range of honest opinions from travel insurance customers that other would-be purchasers can make use of when searching for coverage.
"InsureMyTrip was the very first in the industry to launch a user-generated reviews database. The rapid growth of our online travel community shows the value of sharing real-life tips, advice, and experiences," said InsureMyTrip CEO Jim Grace. "We are proud of this achievement and appreciate those travellers who read, write, and share reviews."
Policyholders are offered the opportunity to submit a review after they have purchased insurance; they can provide a star rating and give detailed feedback if they wish. They can also state whether or not they would recommend the cover they bought to a friend.