CONNEX Assistance expands services in Africa
The move brings the firm’s medical assistance and repatriation services to more clients in Sub-Saharan Africa
CONNEX Assistance, a provider of comprehensive medical, travel and technical assistance in the Middle East and Africa, has extended its coverage area to include several more countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The company now includes Angola, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Kenya, Senegal and Tanzania among its list of serviced nations. CONNEX will be providing comprehensive assistance services with a primary focus on medical assistance and repatriation.
“We have been providing our clients with services in Sub-Saharan Africa for many years, and this announcement highlights our efforts to extend our direct network in these countries and enhance our services in what can sometimes be challenging and complex destinations to work in,” said Lara Helmi, Managing Director of CONNEX Assistance. “Our experience in these countries and our network capabilities will better serve our clients who have growing demand for quality services in this region,” she added.
With offices in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, CONNEX Assistance provides full-service assistance in several countries and is consistently growing its coverage area in this diverse region. It currently provides assistance in Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, Israel, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, and Turkey, as well as the new countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The company celebrated its 25th anniversary of operations in July this year.